Friday, May 14, 2010

Warm Weather

I am sooo excited that it is warming up around here.  All Carson wants to do is play outside which is great.  It keeps the house clean and a house with running water provides hours of entertainment.  Yes, I just said hours.  It is magical.  Nap time has become easier because by the time it rolls around Carson is exhausted.  He doesn't have the energy to fight sleep.  Supposedly it's going to be 78 degrees tomorrow.  Hallelujah!

The sunshine has provided me with some energy.  Or is it the latte I had this morning?  Yes, I said latte.  I'm back on caffeine.  My drug of choice.  Josh and I are attending a work shop for Adult Family Home Administrators.  It's 6 full days of classes.  We've accomplished three and will be finishing the last three next week.  Well the night before our first class, Carson barely slept.  It was one of his terrible nights.  So on the way to class, we stopped and got me a coffee.  Then that night Carson didn't sleep again.  Now I was trying to attend our second day of class with no decent sleep in the last two days so I downed another coffee on the way.  Third day, same story.  Fourth day no class, attempted to go without coffee and felt like I had been hit by a mack truck.  So this morning?  Coffee!!!!  I'd have to say it's nice to be able to function today.  With so much on our plates, we can't spare a day for exhaustion.  I'm taking extra Vitamin D to hopefully thwart any sickness brought on by stress.  

Our deadline to be in the new house is June 1st.  It doesn't leave us a lot of time when 3 full days next week are allotted for classes.  Plus poor Josh has to go straight from class to work and stay there until 9pm.  After a hard day of class, he goes and puts 4 people to bed.  It's not easy, yet he makes it look so.  He does this without coffee too, amazing right!?  My hubby rocks.  I managed to pack a few boxes today.  It felt good and the rest of the day I'm working on cleaning up the house and making sure it's really organized.  We have a showing Sunday for a young couple who wants to lease.  We're praying they're the right people.  It would be a HUGE answer to prayer.  So please pray for us, would you?  Also, if anyone has a prayer request, let me know and I'll pray for you as well.

Also, as I was packing I stumbled across a dozen prefolds that fit Carson!  They were at one time way too big, but now fit perfectly and this discovery happened just as he is growing out of his other prefolds.  It'll be nice not having to buy the next size up!   Especially since money is tight right now.  I'm thankful for this little blessing.

1 comment:

  1. Praying! That's great that you found the diapers too! God is faithful. <3
